The content on this archived website and other document archive pages is provided to assist research and provide a public record of the Child Protection Inquiry's website. This archived website may contain references to activities or policies that have no current application.

Protecting Victoria's Vulnerable Children Inquiry

Home Commissioned Research

Commissioned Research

The Inquiry commissioned two pieces of research to support its task of investigating the child protection and related services system and make recommendations for its improvement to better support and protect vulnerable children and young people.

CREATE Foundation Final Report

The Inquiry worked closely with the CREATE Foundation Victoria to hear from young people about their experiences in out-of-home care through focus groups and a customised online survey. Special care was taken to develop an ethical approach to the consultation.

The CREATE Foundation’s Final Report is available here (PDF, 450KB).

A summary is also included in Volume 3 of the Report of the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry.

The economic and social cost of child abuse in Victoria, 2009-10, Deloitte Access Economics

The Inquiry commissioned Deloitte Access Economics to report on the· incidence and prevalence of child abuse and neglect in Victoria, the impact on society and the financial burden on government.· The findings of the report were considered by the Panel in its deliberations, particularly in relation to the impact of child abuse and neglect and Victoria’s current system and performance.

The Deloitte Access Economics Report can be viewed here (PDF, 1.03MB)

The Executive Summary is also included in Volume 3 of the Report of the Protecting Victoria’s Vulnerable Children Inquiry.

The Inquiry also commissioned the Statistical Consulting Centre, The University of Melbourne to conduct a statistical review of the statistical projections based on 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 child protection reports.· This is referred to in Volume 3.